In the current delivery landscape, businesses can face delayed payments, hefty commissions, and limited control, while customers pay inflated fees and drivers see diminished earnings. LAVA disrupts this model by building a peer-to-peer, proof of work, and proof of ownership by using a web3-powered ecosystem. Here, shops receive immediate payments in full, drivers keep the majority of their fees, and customers enjoy transparent, competitive pricing. Say goodbye to middlemen and embrace a delivery platform built for everyone’s success. Experience the LAVA difference in immediate payments, fair commissions, and a customer-focused approach
We are building this decentralized platform by using blockchain and smart contracts to cut out the middleman and reduce overhead costs, and complicated payments.


  • Charge high commissions from stores
  • Slow payment process
  • The delivery app gets commission from
    drivers (15% to 20%)
  • Slow payment process
  • Complicate payment
  • Overhead cost from the store


We are building this decentralized platform to cut out the middleman and reduce overhead costs, and complicated payments.


We're Working With

National University of management

E-KHMER Technology Co.,Ltd